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//二叉树结点数据结构 template <typename T> class BinNode { public: T data; //该结点具体数据 BinNodePosi(T) parent; //父节点指针 BinNodePosi(T) lchild; //左孩子指针 BinNodePosi(T) rchild; //右孩子指针 enum RB_COLOR color; //颜色 在红黑树中使用 int height; //记录该结点高度 int horizontal_position; //记录中序遍历下该结点的序号,用于display显示 int distance_to_root; //记录到根节点的距离 用于display显示 int size(); //计算以该结点为根的二叉树结点个数(递归算法) BinNodePosi(T) insertAsLC(T const &); //插入左孩子 BinNodePosi(T) insertAsRC(T const &); //插入右孩子 BinNodePosi(T) succ(); //返回中序遍历时该结点的后继指针 //遍历算法 template <typename VST> void travPre_R(VST &); //先序遍历递归算法 template <typename VST> void travPre_I(VST &); //先序遍历基于栈的算法1 template <typename VST> void travPre_II(VST &); //先序遍历基于栈的算法2 template <typename VST> void travIn_R(VST &); //中序遍历递归算法 template <typename VST> void travIn_I(VST &); //中序遍历基于栈的算法 template <typename VST> void travPost_R(VST &); //后序遍历递归算法 template <typename VST> void travPost_I(VST &); //后序遍历基于栈的算法 template <typename VST> void travLevel(VST &); //层次遍历 基于队列 BinNode(T e, BinNodePosi(T) p); //构造二叉树,父节点p,节点内容e BinNode(); virtual ~BinNode(){} }; |
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//二叉树数据结构 template <typename T> class BinTree { protected: int _size; //记录该二叉树结点个数 BinNodePosi(T) _root; //二叉树树根节点指针 virtual int updateHeight(BinNodePosi(T) x); //更新结点x的高度 void updateHeightAbove(BinNodePosi(T) x); //更新x以及x的所有祖先元素的高度 void updateDistanceToRoot(BinNodePosi(T) x); //更新x结点及其孩子距离根节点的距离 void calculatePosition(); //计算结点位置 结果存放在每个结点的horizontal_position和distance_to_root中 BinNodePosi(T) siblingOf(BinNodePosi(T) x); //返回结点x的兄弟结点 public: BinTree(BinNodePosi(T) root); BinTree(); virtual ~BinTree(); int size() const { return _size; } //返回树中结点个数 int height() const { return _root ? _root->height : 0; } //返回树的高度 bool empty() const { return !_root; } //判断树是否为空树 BinNodePosi(T) root() const { return _root; } //返回根节点指针 //拓扑连接 BinNodePosi(T) insertAsLC(BinNodePosi(T) x, T const & e); //把e作为x的左孩子插入 BinNodePosi(T) insertAsRC(BinNodePosi(T) x, T const & e); //把e作为x的右孩子插入 BinNodePosi(T) attachAsLC(BinNodePosi(T) x, BinTree<T>* & S); //把S作为x的左子树插入 BinNodePosi(T) attachAsRC(BinNodePosi(T) x, BinTree<T>* & S); //把S作为x的右子树插入 //删除x结点 virtual int remove(BinNodePosi(T) x); //将以x为根的子树从树中删去 BinNodePosi(T) secede(BinNodePosi(T) x); //树的遍历算法 template <typename VST> void travPre(VST &v) { _root->travPre_I(v); } //先序遍历 对每个节点执行v template <typename VST> void travIn(VST &v) { _root->travIn_I(v); } //中序遍历 template <typename VST> void travPost(VST &v) { _root->travPost_I(v); } //后序遍历 template <typename VST> void travLevel(VST &v) { _root->travLevel_I(v); } //层次遍历 //命令行直观显示二叉树 void display(); }; |
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#define stature(p) ((p) ? (p)->height : -1) //该结点的高度 空节点高度为-1 //更新x结点的高度 template <typename T> int BinTree<T>::updateHeight(BinNodePosi(T) x) { return x->height = 1 + max(stature(x->lchild), stature(x->rchild)); } //更新x及其祖先结点高度 template <typename T> void BinTree<T>::updateHeightAbove(BinNodePosi(T) x) { while (x) { updateHeight(x); x = x->parent; } } |
结点个数并不是直接记录在变量中,而是每次进行计算。计算采用递归的方法,结点个数 = 左子树结点个数 + 右孩子结点个数 + 1 ,递归基是叶子结点个数为1
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/* 返回该结点为根的子树的结点个数 递归求解 return lc->size() + rc->size() + 1 叶子节点 return 1 */ template <typename T> int BinNode<T>::size() { int s = 1; if (lchild) s += lchild->size(); if (rchild) s += rchild->size(); return s; } |
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//分离子树 返回子树的树根 template <typename T> BinNodePosi(T) BinTree<T>::secede(BinNodePosi(T) x) { if (x->parent->lchild == x) x->parent->lchild = NULL; if (x->parent->rchild == x) x->parent->rchild = NULL; updateHeightAbove(x->parent); BinTree<T> * S = new BinTree<T>; S->_root = x; x->parent = NULL; S->_size = x->size(); _size -= S->size; return S; } //删除子树 释放空间 template <typename T> int removeTreeByRootNode(BinNodePosi(T) x) { if (x == NULL) return 0; int n = 1 + removeTreeByRootNode(x->lchild) + removeTreeByRootNode(x->rchild); delete x; return n; } |
显示接口 display
显示时,结点的水平顺序就是中序遍历时结点的顺序,而垂直高度通过层次遍历得到。思路很简单,具体实现有点繁琐。见 二叉树的图形化显示
从二叉树派送而来,重写或增加 search 、insert和remove接口
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#ifndef MY_BST_H #define MY_BST_H #include "Bintree.h" template <typename T> class BST : public BinTree<T> { public: BST(); virtual BinNodePosi(T) search(const T &); virtual BinNodePosi(T) insert(const T &); virtual bool remove(const T &); BinNodePosi(T) removeAt(BinNodePosi(T) x); protected: using BinTree<T>::_root; using BinTree<T>::_size; BinNodePosi(T) _hot; //parent of (x returned by search) void transplant(BinNodePosi(T) p, BinNodePosi(T) c); //move single node c to p void connect34(BinNodePosi(T) t1, BinNodePosi(T) t2, BinNodePosi(T) t3, BinNodePosi(T) st1, BinNodePosi(T) st2, BinNodePosi(T) st3, BinNodePosi(T) st4); }; template <typename T> BST<T>::BST() { _hot = NULL; } template <typename T> BinNodePosi(T) searchIn(BinNodePosi(T) root, const T & e, BinNodePosi(T) & hot) { BinNodePosi(T) x = root; hot = 0; while (x != NULL) { if (e == x->data) return x; hot = x; if (e < x->data) x = x->lchild; else x = x->rchild; } return x; } template <typename T> BinNodePosi(T) BST<T>::search(const T & e) { return searchIn(_root, e, _hot); } template <typename T> BinNodePosi(T) BST<T>::insert(const T & e) { BinNodePosi(T) p = BST<T>::search(e); if (p != NULL && p->data == e) //already exist { return p; } BinNodePosi(T) x = new BinNode<T>(e, _hot); if (_hot == NULL) //empty tree { _root = x; } else //insert as a leaf { if (e < _hot->data) _hot->lchild = x; else _hot->rchild = x; } ++_size; this->updateHeightAbove(x); return x; } //the called function should modify the lchild and rchild of c //meanwhile, children node of p not changed template <typename T> void BST<T>::transplant(BinNodePosi(T) p, BinNodePosi(T) c) { if (p == _root) { _root = c; if (c) c->parent = 0; return; } if (p->parent->lchild == p) p->parent->lchild = c; else p->parent->rchild = c; if (c) c->parent = p->parent; } //删除结点x 若有左右孩子,与中序后继交换再删 //返回实际删除的结点的替代者指针 _hot指向删除后实际删除节点替代者的父节点 template <typename T> BinNodePosi(T) BST<T>::removeAt(BinNodePosi(T) x) { BinNodePosi(T) suc; if (!x->lchild) //x has no lchild, just use rchild to replace x,including rchild==NULL { suc = x->rchild; _hot = x->parent; transplant(x, x->rchild); } //has lchild else if (!x->rchild) //no rchild ,move lchild to x { suc = x->lchild; _hot = x->parent; transplant(x, x->lchild); } else //two children { BinNodePosi(T) p = x->succ(); //p has no lchild suc = p->rchild; _hot = p->parent; T tmp = x->data; x->data = p->data; p->data = tmp; transplant(p, p->rchild); } --_size; this->updateHeightAbove(_hot); return suc; } template <typename T> bool BST<T>::remove(const T & e) { BinNodePosi(T) x = search(e); if (!x) return false; removeAt(x); delete x; return true; } template <typename T> void BST<T>::connect34(BinNodePosi(T) t1, BinNodePosi(T) t2, BinNodePosi(T) t3, BinNodePosi(T) st1, BinNodePosi(T) st2, BinNodePosi(T) st3, BinNodePosi(T) st4) { t1->lchild = st1; if (st1) st1->parent = t1; t1->rchild = st2; if (st2) st2->parent = t1; t3->lchild = st3; if (st3) st3->parent = t3; t3->rchild = st4; if (st4) st4->parent = t3; t2->lchild = t1; t1->parent = t2; t2->rchild = t3; t3->parent = t2; this->updateHeightAbove(t1); this->updateHeightAbove(t3); } #endif |
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "BST.h" template <typename T> class MyPrint { public: void operator()(T const &e) { cout << e << " "; } }; int main() { // MyPrint<int> visit; BST<int> b; // b.insert(8); // b.insert(3); // b.insert(7); // b.insert(9); // b.insert(11); // b.insert(5); // b.insert(51); // b.insert(2); // b.insert(1); // b.insert(88); // b.insert(64); // b.insert(67); // b.travIn(visit); // cout << endl << b.height() << endl; // b.remove(51); // b.travIn(visit); // cout << endl << b.height() << endl; // cout << endl; // b.remove(67); b.insert(7); b.insert(6); b.insert(5); b.insert(4); b.insert(3); b.insert(2); b.insert(1); b.display(); cout << endl << endl; return 0; } |